Emotions and interaction

This workshop is meant especially for staff in VET to learn more about promoting mental well-being. It is also useful in teaching students. You will find more material to use with students in the end of this page.

The goal of the workshop is to realize the importance of emotional and interaction skills and emotional regulation in studies, in working life and in personal life.

The structure of the workshop

1. Warming up: icebreaker excercise
2. Introducing the theme: emotions and interactions
3. Orientation and excercises
4. Closing the theme

1. At the beginning of the workshop, please carry out icebreaker exercise.

2. Introducing the theme: Emotions and interactions

Emotional skills have a great impact in our mental wellbeing. Emotions give signals what is good for us. They make us seek comfort, pleasure and wellbeing and avoid harmful things that put us in danger or cause us stress. Emotions help us to learn by experience and anticipate the situations.

All emotions are allowable and it’s not wrong to feel different kind of emotions even strongly. Accepting and tolerating emotions is a valuable emotional skill that support mental health.

Emotional skills help us to create and maintain our relationships. Emotional skills promote self-esteem, alleviate stress and anguish, and help to cope with the life bumps. Recognizing your own and others feelings is the base of the emotional skills. Ability to name and impress feelings promotes mental wellbeing and interaction with others. It helps to regulate your behaviour.

Emotional regulation is not smothering or denying your emotions but ability to impress and channel your emotions safely and constructively.

3. Orientation and exercises

Windmill of Emotions

- Show on screen or print Windmill of Emotions
- Discuss in pairs about feelings presented in the Windmill and try to find feelings you face in your work
- Discuss how yoy can use material in your work

Separation of feelings, thoughts and behavior

Idea of orientation is to demonstrate with an example of connection between situation, feeling and thought. This is done in interaction with audience step by step to the board/Power point slide. 
- Descibe situation: Co-worker (or for students classmate) don´t greet to you in the morning.
- Question; How do do feel in the situation?  (seek for 4 basic feelings: hate, sadness, fear and joy). Write feelings to the hearts in the sheet.
- Question; What do you think when you feel this emotion, what do you think then? Write it to the clouds in the sheet.
- You will notice that feeling doens´t come from noting, but there is always inner interpretation for where/what situation it belongs and what it means. These are called automatic thoughts. 
- Discuss this with you pair 
- Discuss your findings with whole group

For further information you may watch video:

Mood Diary

- Print Mood diary for participants and go through how it works
- Each participant mark down their feelings of the last days 

At the end of exercise reflect how this practice could work in your work. Go through possibilities of the best practice.

4. Closing the theme

Windmill of Emotions

- Show on screen or print Windmill of Emotions
- Share your feelings about the workshop using words from the Windmill of Emotions

After you have received further information of the theme you may go through and test shared best practices.


Mood Diary
How to use Mood Diary
Mood Diary is for daily observations of mood. It helps to recognize emotions in everyday life and  understand the connection between feelings, moods and events.

Trivia of emotions
How to use Trivia about emotions?
Trivia of emotions is a game for learning emotional skills. Emotions are explained and expressed with cards.

Trivia about emotions
How to use Trivia about emotions?
Lithuanian version of the Trivia of emotions.

Elevator of emotions
Finnish version of Trivia of Emotions. Elevator of Emotions is a functional and interactive game for learning emotional and social skills. You will learn to explain and express different emotions. During the game you will discuss how emotions effect your body or how to handle strong emotions. The game improves cooperation skills and aids recognition of emotions as a part of an everyday life.  

the Town
Town is a functional and creative practice that can be used in a many different ways. It can help students to get to know each other better or it can be used when discussing about future, dreams, goals or values and attitudes.

The Ferocious wolf
How to use The Ferocious wolf? 
 These activities aim to tell the student that it exist more than one intelligence. Taking the concept of multiple intelligences by dr. Howard Gardner (Harvard U.) works with 8 profiles of intelligence (Linguitics, verbal, physical kinesthetic, logical mathematical, spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist). The purpose of these activities are that students themselves will be able to recognize their own multiple intelligences, and therefore, increase their self-esteem, as well as, find new learning strategies they can be suitable for their own intelligence profile.

I see you I feel you
I see you I feel you is about students feeling different sensations with the touch of each other. It’s meant to awake awareness to one’s emotions, as well as, to work empathy towards other people’s way of being and their emotions.


Windmill of Emotions
Rock and Water, psycho-physical training for boys and girls in primary school, secondary school, psycho

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